Saturday, 21 June 2008

Dopey in isolation

Dopey (just for a change) is having another health problem - she cut her foot yesterday. I noticed some blood on her foot, but it didn't seem to be bothering her too much. This morning was a different story - hanging her foot, blood dripping - lovely. The other hens, being attracted to the red as hens are, were pecking her foot and making it worse, and poor Dopey was trying to hop around on one leg using her wing to balance her. She looked very pale as well. So I shut her in the henhouse for the rest of the day, with food and water.

She is now in the rabbit hutch! I had to let the other hens back into the henhouse to sleep, and I didn't want them to start attacking Dopey, so I have put her in isolation to recover. I've also ordered some wound powder and Gentian Violet Spray which should help healing, and also discourage pecking. Poor old Dopey - she is a bit crammed in there, but it's better than being pecked!

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